The Corner


Whose Privacy Did Planned Parenthood Think Was Violated in Undercover Videos?

We find ourselves in a Kafkaesque world as the Planned Parenthood scandal deepens. Entering stage left is PPFA’s new spinmeisters, who have been circulating a memo to reporters trying to suppress the videos. Politico reported that the memo said:

“The extremists who entered Planned Parenthood labs under false pretenses violated research protocol, and, worse, violated the privacy of patients involved. Those patients’ privacy should not be further violated by having this footage shared by the media.”

Whose privacy, exactly? I just can’t help noting that there are no pregnant women, nor any post-abortive women, who appear in the videos. In the last video, a doctor and a lab tech appear. And then we see the pathology lab where there are babies being dissected. Really, we have to ask: Are these the patients whose privacy Planned Parenthood is concerned about?

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