The Corner


Why Are British Police Tearing Down Pictures of Hamas Hostages?

Members of Jewish community leave leaflets with pictures of kidnapped Israelis on a telephone box near the Qatar Embassy in London, October 29, 2023. (Maja Smiejkowska/Reuters)

We’ve all seen the videos of Hamas sympathizers tearing down pictures of kidnapped Israelis, including abducted children. But as disturbing as it is to see antisemites at work, what’s more disturbing is watching the British police do their dirty work for them.

See here:

And here:

Their explanation? Apparently, this is all part of their “responsibility to take reasonable steps to stop issues escalating and to avoid any further increase in community tension.”

Their attempts to prevent “further increase community tension” appear one-sided. Take this example, in which the pictures of the Hamas hostages were reportedly driven around central London on the side of a van until police told the van’s drivers to hide the images and leave the area for their “own safety.”

Who are the police protecting here? It certainly isn’t Britain’s Jewish citizens or their right to free speech and assembly. It is anti-Israel, pro-Hamas mobs and vandals.

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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