The Corner

NR Insider

Why I Love Kirby Wilbur

The great host of KVI-AM in Seattle just kicked in, as he always does, some very righteous bucks towards our 2017 Fall webathon, now in the third week of its #30DaysHathBucktember effort to raise $200,000. About the effort: A freshly minted appeal arrived today off the keyboard of the brilliant Kyle Smith, whose rationale for why you should make a donation (which can be done here) parallels Kirby’s explanation for his ponying up:

NR has been the most influential element in my political life, starting when I read my first issue in 1968 at the age of 14. Bill Buckley’s books, Up From Liberalism, The Unmaking of a Mayor and all the others, plus the magazine, were (and still are ) my political foundation. Nearly 50 years later, I read NR online and the Corner 3-4 times a day, and it is critical to my job as a talk show host. I wish this could be more. God bless NR and all of you.

Donations or not, it’s impossible not to love Kirby. Thanks pal. And here are what some others donors have had to say in the past few days:

Robert from nearby Portland tosses 100 big bucks in the collection plate and cheers: “I read both the print (subscriber) and online version of the National Review. I depend on it to provide in-depth analysis of current events and people. Go National Review!” We are going, thanks to you!

Ronald finds a sweet $50 to send our way, and here’s what made that happen: “Although I really enjoy and appreciate the work of Kevin, VDH, Jay and Kyle, it’s that sad-puppy picture of Kyle above his appeal that made me push the button!” Woof you very much!

Uncle! Texas Joe makes with $25 and gets all dagnabbitzed: “Alright, fine, if it’ll make y’all quit your dadgummed whining. Here’s $25.”

Matching that is Jonathan. Here’s why: “Hello, I’d like to donate for 5 reasons: Victor Davis Hanson, Andrew McCarthy, Kyle Smith, Armond White, Kevin Williamson. Keep up the great work!” You had us at Hello!

Short and sweet, David’s comment, attending his $100 donation, is this: “Love the podcasts. More, please.” Will do.

OK folks, get cracking please. Make your donation here. And do leave comments, which we take seriously. Contribute by PayPal here. If you prefer, send a check, payable to “National Review,” to 19 West 44th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10036. God bless. And listen to Kirby!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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