The Corner

Politics & Policy

Why Is Sex Relevant to the Draft but Not to Women’s Sports?

Having transgender status (being a “transgender woman”) does not exempt men from signing up for the Selective Service. Nor does it require females with transgender status (“transgender men”) to sign up.

The Biden administration has kept the policy in place, despite its other policy moves to appease transgender activists. The Selective Service policy was brought to light by its Twitter account, which posted: “Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS.”

How is it that when it comes to women’s interests — female-only spaces and sports — sex is deemed irrelevant, but when it comes to defending the national interest, sex is relevant after all?

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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