The Corner


Why We Need Lent — with Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.

Yesterday, as you know, was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the penitential season of Lent. It’s about a lot more than giving up chocolate. It has everything to do with setting people free to not be terrified of death and to see purpose in suffering. (As Xan wrote about yesterday.)

I talked with Dominican priest Father Peter John Cameron, O.P., popular author, preacher, and former editor of Magnificat (a great monthly guide to the spiritual life) yesterday about Lent and why we need it and how it can be lived as a journey of freedom. We tried to be practical, and I hope you and/or people you know find it helpful.

Watch and share it here at your convenience:

And apologies for my small technical problems toward the end. I don’t think it spoiled things too much.

Prayers for all who celebrate Lent, and for all who seek.

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