The Corner

Will’s Take: Here’s Hoping de Blasio Represents a Resurgence of Liberalism

The presence of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the New Year’s Day inauguration of New York City mayor Bill de Blasio prompted Chris Wallace to ask whether we’re witnessing a resurgence of liberalism in the Democratic party. If George Will has anything to say about it, surely we are.

“I hope there’s the resurgence you talk about,” Will said. “There’s nothing better for American conservatism than periodic examples of untrammeled liberalism.” He pointed to the presidency of Lyndon Johnson, during which he worked with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate to enact the Great Society – Republicans won five of the next six presidential elections.

“Let him have his way in New York City and let people see what happens,” Will said. “I give him three years and people will be begging for a return to something else.”

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