The Corner

Will’s Take: ‘Shrinkage’ of Presidency Will Be on Display in SOTU

George Will previewed Tuesday’s State of the Union address on Sunday, arguing that the president will focus on initiatives like universal pre-K and increasing the minimum wage because his major policy initiatives have been hamstrung.

“In baseball you play what’s called small ball — stealing bases, bunting — when you can’t do anything else,” Will said. “This is the miniaturization of the president’s agenda. A 23rd increase in the minimum wage since 1938, that may be a good thing, a bad thing, but it’s of marginal importance to the economy and of no importance to the middle class. Universal pre-school which, as you say, he endorsed last year, we’ve had almost 50 years of experience with Head Start, and the government’s own studies show that the benefits from universal pre-school are a) small and b) evanescent. So, he’ll fall back on, as you say, these executive orders. They’re not just limited; they are often, as the Supreme Court is going to say several times this spring, unconstitutional. So, the shrinkage of the Obama presidency will be on display, I think, Tuesday night.”

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