The Corner

As in Wisconsin, So in Idaho

Idaho has a “superintendent of public instruction,” and his name is Tom Luna. He has proposed some measures that the teachers’ union doesn’t like, at all. And his opponents have made sure that he feels good and threatened.

Someone went to his mother’s house — his mother’s. Someone slashed his tires and spray-painted a threat onto the door. As reported in this article, Luna has said, “Family and personal property are off-limits. You don’t cross that line . . .”

Oh, yes, you do. At least some do. I will repeat what I have already said this morning: I don’t want to hear from the Left about “civility” for the rest of my life.

The public-employee unions don’t own this country. They may think they do. But we all do. Right? I hope people all across the country, even those who disagree with him, will back Tom Luna: back his right to operate unmolested.

P.S. Following events in Wisconsin and elsewhere, I think of a phrase from The Wizard of Oz: “and your little dog, too.” That’s the malevolent spirit these union jerks are expressing.

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