The Corner

Woke Culture

Woke Intolerance ‘Wins’ at Saint Vincent College

Leftists used to pride themselves on their devotion to free speech. It was a social good, because people could use that freedom to speak truth to power. But now that the Left has the power, we find that they are eager to use it to silence and punish those who have opinions they don’t like.

A perfect example comes to us from Saint Vincent College, a small school located in Latrobe, Pa. Social Justice Warrior types have been infiltrating Saint Vincent for years, exchanging the Catholic faith for faith in leftist ideology. Last spring, when one of the few remaining outposts of conservative/libertarian thinking on campus held a conference with speakers who argued against the leftist agenda, the administration went ballistic.

In this American Greatness article, Andrew Cuff, who was an adjunct professor at Saint Vincent, provides all the ugly details.

Here’s a key paragraph:

The crisis at St. Vincent goes much deeper than it appears on the surface of the recent media flurry—and those I spoke to among the faculty, staff, and board of directors described an ideological undercurrent within the administration that has held back the college’s success for years. St. Vincent’s idyllic rural setting and monastic trappings have not protected it from the scourge of wokeism. Rather, the college has long suffered from a more insidious phenomenon that I like to call ‘yokel wokeism’: the pained embarrassment of liberals who feel ashamed of being associated with their conservative rural neighbors, colleagues, and students. The woke yokel will go to any length to prove his or her liberal bona fides to the cosmopolitan mainstream.

Sadly, there are woke yokels in almost every college town, eager to prove their devotion to the cause by subverting any educational institution they can.

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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