The Corner


Woke Shock Troops on Campus

Cadres of zealous lefties at many American colleges continue to silence any speech that contradicts their views and go to appalling lengths to intimidate those who dare dissent.

Writing for Tablet, Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya writes about the treatment he received for having argued against the federal government’s Covid-related decrees:

A precedent has now been established. Faculty at Stanford should rightly worry whether their professional work will lead to deplatforming, excommunication, and political targeting. In this environment, professors and students alike would be wise to look over their shoulders at all times, in the knowledge that the university no longer has your back. And members of the public should understand that many of those urging them to ‘trust the science’ on complicated matters of public concern are also those working to ensure that ‘the science’ never turns up answers that they don’t like.

At Stanford, as at most other educational institutions, there are leftist shock troops — students, faculty, administrators — determined to ensure that their beliefs on public health, on the environment, on race issues, and on other hot topics remain unchallenged. The few academic leaders who still prize open inquiry and rational debate have been mau-maued into acquiescence.

Read Bhattacharya’s account and ask yourself what our future looks like if education is in the hands of people who think like Mao’s Red Guards.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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