The Corner

Women in the Senate

If Jane Norton were in the Senate, she might have been some pushback against Barbara Boxer’s Viagra-federal-funding-of-abortion rants last week. From my column this week:

Assuming Sen. Boxer survives next year’s reelection fight, she may have some female pushback in the next session of Congress. “They are trying to go through the back door because they simply cannot win on an up-or-down vote,” Jane Norton, former lieutenant governor of Colorado, tells me on the Senate’s defeat of Nelson-Hatch. Norton, who is running for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat currently occupied by Democrat Michael Bennet, says, “I am pro-life,” and tells me: “For Democrats to try to expand abortion services in the health-care bill is unconscionable.” She adds: “Twice, the voters of Colorado have said ‘no’ to taxpayer dollars for abortions.” As senator she would “represent the views of the people of Colorado — unlike Senator Bennet,” who voted against Nelson-Hatch.

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