The Corner

The World According to Bill Maher

I missed this, from Larry King last week:

We don’t know what he’d [John Roberts] do if he had to rule on Roe versus Wade, but at least he has a shot, I think, at becoming the kind of justice that is not in the hip pocket of the right wing. Having said that, ladies, get your abortions now. If you need one, go now!… I am more sympathetic on the abortion issue than I am on most right wing socially conservative issues, because you know, you don’t have to be religious to be against abortion. I do sort of understand what they’re saying. If you’ve ever seen a sonogram, you know, you could see something that’s emerging as a human being in there. And we are sort of reaching in and killing it. I’m just not against that… I’m a board member of PETA. And this [caller] is exactly right, and I’m glad he raised the issue. It’s despicable the way we treat animals in this country. And it’s part and parcel to our general lack of compassion for things that don’t affect us directly.

The whole transcript is here.

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