The Corner


Too bad Shannen’s not around today. He had no idea how cool we are. Another e-mail:


I think there are too many sitcoms out there. The day of the sitcom is

over. What we need is a good drama, filled with interesting characters,

combining intellectual curiosity with our more prurient tastes.

I’m thinking “K-Lo and Coffin” is more of a Miami Vice meets the West

Wing. Great trend setting clothes, cool music, and beautiful characters

all involved not in drug deals or prostitution stings but instead

focused on the seedy and often corrupt world of political punditry. The

two main characters weed out the shoddy and hacks, expose the blatant

lies and biases of the MSM, while still having time to maintain their

own well rounded lifestyles filled with international adventures and

romantic interludes. They are part of a squad of highly dedicated

operatives, with such stock characters as the Nerd (who weaves movie

quotes and songs into all his work), the Chief, the quirky Mathematician

Gadget guy, and the others who round out the most elite force of Right

Thinking in the Western Hemisphere. All while staying perfectly groomed

and devastatingly attractive.

You all only need a great theme song to make it a definite success.

Keep it up. The free world depends on K-Lo and Coffin to keep us free

from the evil hands of The Kos and his wild minions.

I suspect Coffin’s going to be particularly picky about who gets to play him.

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