The Corner


‘Write Like Bill’

William F. Buckley Jr.; Michael Jordan (Action Images / Reuters)

That was the title put over a review of mine in 1997. William F. Buckley Jr. had just come out with his collection on language: The Right Word. There had been a popular ad campaign: “Be Like Mike” (meaning Michael Jordan). Hence, “Write Like Bill.”

Now, no one can write like Bill, nor should anyone. People should write like themselves — their best selves. In any event, I would like to tell you about something coming up this summer: the William F. Buckley Jr. Communicators Workshop, hosted by our National Review Institute. The workshop will take place on July 12 and 13, in Arlington, Va. It is “open to undergraduate students, graduate students, and young professionals who have graduated from college within the past five years.”

I have quoted from the relevant webpage, here. Speakers will include Richard Brookhiser and my own bad self. It would be a pleasure to see you. The example of WFB is instructive, in communicating and much else.

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