The Corner


Jim Geraghty e-mails:

I know there’s probably not a lot of conservatives in the field of movie

critics, but the lefty sneers at Rumsfeld & neoconservatism in reviews of

the X-Men sequel seem a little over the top.

From the Boston Globe:

“To do away with mutantkind, the administration has acquired the services of

William Stryker, a mutant-hunting, liberal-loathing military vet. He’s the

heavy here, and Brian Cox invests the part with enough hawkish brio to

convince you that he’s had more than a sip of Rumsfeld punch.”

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

“Representing the forces of human bigotry is a new villain – stocky,

pockmarked Brian Cox playing former US military scientist Commander Stryker,

the kind of extreme-right mutation you might get if you mated a neo-con with

the ghost of General Patton.”

Could anyone imagine a reviewer writing, “Stryker’s militant use of brute

force to eliminate the children who he percieves a threat are

eerily reminiscent of the heavily-armed troops raiding the Miami household

to grab Elian Gonzalez” or even, “Stryker’s wildly aggressive use of flashy,

heavily-caliber military-style force against a private residence, based on

vague, unspecified threats, makes him a clear reflection of a real world

danger – he’s the Marvel comic book universe’s Janet Reno” ?

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