The Corner


Yikes! Biden Is at 60 Percent Against Kennedy and Williamson in the New CNN Poll

President Biden speaks in his campaign launch video, April 25, 2023. (Joe Biden/YouTube)

From a CNN poll, out today: “60 percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters say they back Biden for the top of next year’s Democratic ticket, 20 percent favor activist and lawyer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and 8 percent back author Marianne Williamson. Another 8 percent say they would support an unnamed ‘someone else.’”

Battle stations! Battle stations!

Kennedy was at 21 percent in the Emerson poll in late April, but that poll had Biden at 70 percent. That’s in the neighborhood of Pat Buchanan’s finish against George H.W. Bush in 1992.

Is President Biden still the most likely 2024 Democratic presidential nominee? Yes. But at this rate, he’s going to limp to the nomination and enter the general election as a tremendously weak incumbent. That same CNN survey found, “just a third of Americans say that Biden winning in 2024 would be a step forward or a triumph for the country.”

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