The Corner

Politics & Policy

Sources: Zandria Robinson Not Fired Over Tweets

(Image via YouTube)

After professor Zandria Robinson came under fire for a series of controversial tweets about white people – including one declaring that “whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror” — the University of Memphis tweeted that Robinson was no longer working there.

This announcement prompted several news outlets to report that Robinson had been fired because of her tweets – despite the fact that it was not confirmed that she’d even been fired at all.

In fact, people who follow Robinson’s Twitter account (which has since been made private) are claiming that Robinson posted on Tuesday that she had not been fired over the tweets, but rather had willingly accepted another position weeks ago.

The school has been telling National Review that it would release a statement on the matter, but has not yet commented beyond yesterday’s tweet.

Among Robinson’s other controversial tweets were ones suggesting that the Charleston shooting was just another example of “white people acting how they’re conditioned to act” and another declaring that “death and rape threats . . . are the ultimate expressions of love from conservative whites these days.”

Robinson has not responded to requests for comment from National Review.

UPDATE: According to a local Tennessee news outlet, Robinson is currently employed by Rhodes College, which seemed to refer to her controversial comments in a statement announcing her hiring.

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