Critical Condition

Lots of Reading

Remember HR 3200? That was the bill number for the health-reform bill put together this summer by three committees in the House of Representatives. Today House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a new bill, HR 3962. Quick, go to the website of the House Rules Committee to get the document before the server becomes overwhelmed. 

It’s been cut back. HR 3200 ran 2,454 pages; HR 3962 is down to 1,990. Back in July, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said HR 3200 would cost $1.042 trillion over the next decade. We’ll find out later today how money could be saved by cutting out 29 percent of the pages.

Speaker Pelosi wants to take HR 3962 to the House floor next week. A member of the House who wants to read the legislation before the debate begins would have to read 498 pages each day (allowing for a Sabbath rest). Those who aim only to read it before voting will need to read 221 pages a day if the Speaker keeps to her target of a vote before Veterans’ Day.   

– Hanns Kuttner is a visiting fellow at Hudson Institute. 

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