Human Exceptionalism

Adult Stem Cells Help Dogs With Muscular Dystrophy

Here’s some more good news on the adult stem cell front: Dogs with muscular dystrophy were radically improved with injections of their own adult stem cells. From the story: “Sharon Hesterlee, vice president of translational research at the Muscular Dystrophy Association, called the result one of the most exciting she’s seen in her eight years with the organization. Her group helped pay for the work.”

Two points, actually three: 1) We continue to see the necessity of using animals in medical research, 2) Effective treatments in dogs don’t necessarily mean the treatment will work in people, but it is sure a good sign, and finally a point I often make about stories such as this, 3) Can you imagine the headlines if dogs had dramatically improved motor skills due to embryonic stem cells? Instead, we get a small, inside-the-paper wire service report.

Still, the news blockade is beginning to leak!

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