Human Exceptionalism

Adult Stem Cell/Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells Treat Fatal Disease

This is great: A child with a fatal genetic disease has apparently been treated effectively with a combination of adult/umbilical cord blood stem cells. From the story:

In October 2007, Nate Liao received marrow- and umbilical cord blood-derived stem cells and progenitor cells from his healthy, tissue-matched brother. Over the next six months, the skin and lining of his GI tract slowly improved, and skin biopsies on days 60, 130, and 200 documented increasing amounts of collagen type VII. By day 130, Nate’s skin and the lining of his GI tract were beginning to show clinical signs that his skin was anchoring to his body.

Regenerative medicine has tremendous potential–and so much can be done without moral controversy.

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