Human Exceptionalism

CA Assisted Suicide Dead for Year

The elites that are generally behind the push for assisted suicide ran into a wall of those who advocate for those most likely to be hurt by such a law–advocates for minorities and disability rights groups. The result, a stalled bill for the rest of the year. From the Sacramento Bee story:

California’s controversial assisted death bill is done for the year, according to the Assembly Health Committee. In an e-mail to legislative offices, committee secretary Patty Rodgers wrote, “The authors will not pursue this bill this year – waiting on a statement from the authors explaining details and future plans.

That means the millions of (George Soros-type) dollars spent by the Hemlock Society Compassion and Choices in half of the U.S. states–the Brittany Maynard gambit–failed to change any laws.

Excellent. Failing to be emotionally bulldozed speaks well for the U.S.A.

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