Human Exceptionalism

Canada Hospital Declares Euthanasia Free Zone

Canada’s utter capitulation to the culture of death has been a wonder to behold. A twisted, nihilistic wonder, but a wonder.

The current debate isn’t whether the government’s bill to legalize is too loose, but too strict.

But at least one hospital has declared total non-cooperation. From the CBC story:

In February, Edmonton Archbishop Richard Smith said Covenant Health would not allow patients to end their lives with the help of a doctor in its facilities.

Associate health minister Brandy Payne confirmed Monday that physicians and other health-care workers will not be forced to take part in this procedure if it goes against their beliefs.

She said procedures are being set up to move patients, if necessary. “We’re working to set out a framework of protocols and processes to ensure that if a patient in a facility where medical assistance in dying is not available, that there will be a process in place for transfer of care likely through Alberta Health Services,” she said.

Of course, euthanasia pushers are not amused:

The government’s decision to exempt Covenant Health came under sharp criticism by advocacy group Dying with Dignity Canada.

“Though physicians, as individuals, have a right to conscientious refusal, taxpayer-funded institutions have no such right,” the groups’s CEO Shanaaz Gokool said in a news release. “Instead, they have a duty to provide a full range of compassionate healthcare options for patients at end of life.”

Lethal injection is not healthcare. It is killing.

If most Canadian doctors would declare their offices assisted suicide free zones–and hospitals would follow suit–the damage could be mitigated a tad. But I am not holding my breath.


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