Human Exceptionalism

China Orders Forced Abortion of Viable Fetus

China is a true tyranny. And now, it has ordered a Muslim woman to abort her viable fetus or face the loss of her home. From the story:

Chinese authorities have ordered Arzigul Tursun, who is 26 weeks pregnant, to abort her unborn child because she has two other children. She is under watch at the Municipal Watergate Hospital in Yining in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, which is populated heavily with Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority. Supporters are concerned a forced abortion at such a late stage could threaten Arzigul’s health.

According to the Washington-based Uyghur Human Rights Project, Arzigul and her husband, Nurmemet, fled their village when she became pregnant, but returned after officials warned their house and property would be seized if Arzigul did not have an abortion. “We considered our two girls,” said Nurmemet. “If the house and properties were taken away, how would they live? So my wife came back and went to the hospital.” US Representative Christopher Smith, a New Jersey Republican, wrote to China’s ambassador to Washington, Zhou Wenzhong, last week to demand the forced abortion not be carried out.

China has had 400 million abortions in the last three decades, many of them coerced or forced. That’s more than the population of the USA. Infanticide of girl babies has been widely reported, pushed by the one child policy. It also been credibly accused of killing Falun Gong and selling their organs–although the charge has not been proven conclusively. We do know it has killed other prisoners and then sold their organs. China also has an explicit eugenics policy in place. Then there’s Tibet…

And we keep them in business by using the country as our manufacturing base. Reminds me of the Northern merchants who fought against the fight against slavery because of the money they made from the Southern slave holders.

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