Human Exceptionalism

Classic Case of Media Stem Cell Ignorance

So, I am watching CNN and it runs a segment on Missouri’s Amendment 2 and embryonic stem cell research. Then, Bill Schneider, CNN’s big political analyst comes on to say confidently that based on his discussions with people, second only to Iraq, the stem cell issue is most urgently on voters’ minds–polling doesn’t show this, by the way–and that it could impact the Missouri Senate race (although he wouldn’t say which way).

Then, the beauty of live television and the unscripted question: The host asked, “Embryonic stem cell research is legal in Missouri, right?” Schneider got the flustered, deer in the headlight look of the “expert” who is suddenly exposed as not knowing what he is talking about. “I, I don’t know,” he stammered.

Hey, Bill, if you paid attention to all points of view in the debate rather than just the politically correct side, you would know that the answer is an emphatic yes! If one moment captured a larger media truth, that was it. Classic.

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