Human Exceptionalism

CNN: Maynard “Extraordinary” for Suicide

The media’s worship of the euthanasia movement is really becoming evident. CNN has named Brittany Maynard one of its “11 Extraordinary People of 2014.” From the story:

Her example sparked a widespread debate about the rights of people with incurable illnesses to determine how and when they will die. Maynard followed through on her plans in November, dying on her own terms.

I guess that means people who decide to go naturally–no matter how courageous their struggle–just aren’t worth noticing.

Of course, such people don’t have a huge propaganda effort behind the way they die pushed by euthanasia groups, the “death with dignity” false meme happily amplified by the media.  

Besides, what made Maynard’s suicide any more extraordinary than 700 other people who have also died by doctor-prescribe death in Oregon? Funny, CNN did not name any of them to their list over the years.

Robin Williams committed suicide and he wasn’t called extraordinary as a result.

Two factors are at play:

First, the mainstream media clearly intends to transform assisted suicide into their new “cause” now that the same sex marriage controversy seems to be coming to a conclusion.

Second: Maynard was beautiful, bringing out CNN’s inner tabloid. 

Be honest: How many readers–whatever their view of legalizing assisted suicide–believe CNN would have named Maynard “extraordinary” for committing assisted suicide if she weighed 200 pounds, wasn’t white (for the same reason kidnapped white girls almost always get more media attention than kidnapped girls of color), or was aged and wrinkled?

Exactly! Is it any wonder the media is viewed with such low regard?

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