Human Exceptionalism

Colorado Committee Rejects Assisted Suicide

We never say die! 

A bipartisan  vote rejected assisted suicide–hopefully killing it for the session. From the Denver Post story:

A bill that would have legalized assisted suicide in Colorado failed in a legislative committee on an 8-5 bipartisan vote Friday night.

The vote came after 11 hours of testimony from doctors, clergy and people with terminal illnesses and disabilities. Rep. Lois Court, D-Denver, broke down as she began her closing statement because, she said, she was moved by people’s stories on both sides of the issue.

Some on the committee said they appreciated the compassion of the legislation’s intent but thought the proposed bill lacked safeguards to prevent abuse and possibly provided incentives for insurance companies to tacitly urge sick people to consider the cheaper option of lethal, legal drugs.

Assisted suicide is not inevitable. The Canada Supreme Court’s black-robed authoritarianism--and the enthusiastic support for the radical ruling by Compassion and Choices–shows the real agenda and acute danger presented by the suicide pushers.

Dig beneath the euphemistic goo and oleaginous assurances of control from death peddlers, and people often see the harsh truth. Onward!

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