Human Exceptionalism

Disgusting Media Bias Airs Vicious Palin Rumor and Attacks a Seventeen-Year-Old Girl in Culture War

I have offered ubiquitous illustrations of the media bias about issues that we discuss here at SHS. That bias reflects a broader culture war that is roiling our society to the point of rending–which, as I said yesterday, is vividly reflected in the real choice America has in this presidential election.

But the media isn’t content to report and let the people decide. They have a horse in this race and they are going to do whatever it takes to make sure it wins. How else explain the feeding frenzy of the media about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy, in which many reports managed to work in the outrageous Internet defamation that Governor Sarah Palin only pretended to have Trig, when it was actually Bristol who gave birth.

Time to Kabosh that nonesense once and for all.

The picture above, which I am sickened to post, is of Bristol at the McCain announcement of his choice for VP a few days ago. Clearly, she is at least 5 months pregnant, making the vile rumor biologically impossible since Trig was born 4 months ago.

Hit this link and see a video of Governor Sarah Palin in a local booster TV show that aired in late February, about two months before Trig was born one month premature. She’s is clearly pregnant, given her body shape and the baggy clothing she is wearing.

And the picture to the right of the governor being interviewed, clearly pregnant. Contrast her looks there, with the svelte look above. Just like the transition made when a pregnant woman gets back in shape after giving birth.

But killing the vicious, baseless lie won’t stop the press. It is now, apparently, open season on a teenagerthree page one stories in the NYTgoing through a very tough time. Because you see, the Palins represent cultural values that the MSM loathe and are adored by people they hate and regard as mere rubes. And so there is nothing low enough in the cause of destroying the enemy.

Beyond disgusting. Obama is right: Leave the family out of it. But the media won’t. They are at war with those they believe impede the cause of modernity and the advance of progressive politics–which is also why they commit so much journalistic malpractice around the topics of assisted suicide, human cloning, Terri Schiavo, and others. This is rare for me, but I am grasping for the words to express my absolute disgust.

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