Human Exceptionalism

Euthanasia Virus Stronger Than Anger Over Abuse

Generally speaking, once assisted suicide or euthanasia is legalized, people give a fig about abuses.

The media rarely cover such situations, and even when they do, people shrug. They either don’t care or don’t want to think about the wolf in their midst.

I have seen many such situations over the years, but this one out of Belgium takes the cake.

Sisters of a euthanasia abuse victim–killed while depressed and having been diagnosed with autism–are very upset at the death of their beloved sibling. From the De Redactie.BE story (Google translation):

Tine Nys received euthanasia in April 2010. At that time she was 38. A relationship was on the rocks, was the specific reason. “On Christmas Eve 2009, she told her doctor that she would submit a request for euthanasia,” tell her sisters. ”She had a history of mental illness, but at that time she was fifteen years [post treatment] in psychiatry and she took no treatment.

“Two months before her death, Valentine was told after new tests that she was suffering from autism. “It is difficult to understand that euthanasia has gone still and the doctors have proposed no other treatment.”

To obtain euthanasia, three doctors must give their consent. According to the sisters of Tine they chose themselves the doctors in question and which do not exchange information. “Furthermore, one must have an incurable mental illness to euthanasia on the basis of psychological suffering. Debbie who had not.”

But even the killing of their despairing sister–apparently against the supposedly protective guidelines–doesn’t shake their support for euthanasia:

“We will not abandon euthanasia”, highlighted the sisters finally. “In some cases it is necessary.”

Sigh. Once the culture of death gets into a society’s bloodstream, its infection remains virulent,–come what may.

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