Human Exceptionalism

Fox Off His Medication To Tape Ads?

It appears that Michael J. Fox went off his medications before shooting his deceptive ads against Senator Jim Talent and other politicians.

I don’t think this is deceptive in that Fox wasn’t faking his symptoms, only showing how he would be without the medications. Plus, eventually the meds stop working. But it was sure emotionally exploitive. The purpose being to get people to “feel” not “think.” We’ll see if it works.

P.S. Fox’s home country of Canada has banned all human cloning–which he criticizes American politicians for wanting to do in his deceptive ads, only he falsely claims that these American candidates want to ban stem cell research. Deception upon deception: SCNT cloning and ESCR are not synonyms. SCNT creates a new human cloned embryo. ESCR destroys embryos that have been previously created. This distinction is morally important–which is why the pro cloners pretend that SCNT and ESCR are the same things.

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