Human Exceptionalism

Give Me That New Transhumanist Religion

Transhumanism is, in my view, a branch of scientism, that is, a quasi religion that seeks to use science in ways for which the great method is not meant. Here’s a little proof. A transhumanist named Giulio Prisco is optimistic about the future of the great post human movement. And he describes why transhumanism will appeal, in terms that are decidedly religious in tone:

“I want our ideas to reach as many people as possible, in a clear and understandable way. Why? Because our worldview can give a sense of meaning of life, a vision of our place in the universe, peace and happiness. This has been the historic function of the world’s great religions and monolithic ideologies that, on the other hand, are now finally beginning to show some fatigue and soon will be completely unable to persuade people more and more culturally sophisticated and used to the scientific worldview. We should not forget that these are still a minority, but the trend is clear….

“We cannot deny that the great world’s religions have managed, and quite well, to reach the masses. Religions’ success is due to the fact that they offer an answer to the nightmare of death. Yes, your loved one are dead, and sooner or later you will also die, but you will meet again in heaven. This is a *very* powerful meme as the penetration of religion demonstrates. With the coming of a secular worldview based on science, it seems impossible to continue taking religion seriously. But is it really so? Perhaps not. I am very interested in the current experimental activities to create ‘transhumanist religions’, based on science, but still able to offer hope in ‘another life’ even for those who are already dead.

Ha! So, if that old time religion no longer works for you, convert to that new transhumanist religion.

Prisco also wonders why the Raelian cult is having more success than the transhumanist religion at gaining adherents, even though the “Raelian message is very similar to the transhumanist one.” Now there’s an apt comparison I had never thought to make! (For those who might not know, the Raelians are the science cult that believes we are here because aliens cloned all life on the planet. They also pulled off the big hoax a few years ago that set of a typically brainless media feeding frenzy when the cult leaders claimed to have created the first human cloned baby.)

He thinks perhaps the reason for the greater Raelian success is the flying saucer angle. No, the answer is sex. The Raelians are into free love and a lot of it. For those looking for a good time, that is a lot more attractive than being uploaded into a computer and sharing your memes with nerdy futurists.

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