Human Exceptionalism

Global Warming Hysteria: The Hysterics React Angrily to Copenhagen Failure

As the Obama Administration pretends that Copenhagen was a major breakthrough, the hysterics are furious at their failure to gain control of the world’s economies and governance.  From the story:

Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said: “The city of Copenhagen is a crime scene, with the guilty men and women fleeing to the airport. There are no targets for carbon cuts and no agreement on a legally binding treaty. It seems there are too few politicians in this world capable of looking beyond the horizon of their own narrow self-interest, let alone caring much for the millions of people who are facing down the threat of climate change.”

Sauven is right about the lack of agreement, but not the accusation of “narrow self interest.”  There was a great deal of rationality in this failure.  And get this comment:

WWF Scotland director Dr Richard Dixon said world leaders had failed to rise to the challenge of climate change at what had been the most important international meeting the world has ever held.

The most important the world has ever held?  That kind of hysteria and self importance is one big reason why the public’s trust in the hysterics and their belief in global warming is deflating like a leaking balloon.

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