Human Exceptionalism

Global Warming Hysteria: James Lovelock’s Anti Democratic Anti Humanism

Humans are just too stupid to listen to the global warming hysterics.  So saith James Lovelock, author of the Gaia Theory, you know, the idea that the earth and all of its organic and non organic parts are really part of one, living, self-regulating, system. From the story:

Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change from radically impacting on our lives over the coming decades. This is the stark conclusion of James Lovelock, the globally respected environmental thinker and independent scientist who developed the Gaia theory. “I don’t think we’re yet evolved to the point where we’re clever enough to handle a complex a situation as climate change,” said Lovelock in his first in-depth interview since the theft of the UEA emails last November. “The inertia of humans is so huge that you can’t really do anything meaningful.”

What bilge.  Look around us.  We are richer, freer, and more humane than any time in history. We have broken the back of racism.  We have fed the multitudes. We have extended life expectancies.  We have extended literacy. We have landed on the moon.  Etc. Etc. Etc.

But that’s not meaningful. To get to meaningful, we have to dismantle freedom!

One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is “modern democracy”, he added. “Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

Except we don’t put democracy on hold during wars.  Not the Civil War, not World Wars I or II, not Vietnam, or Iraq.  The NY Times’ Tom Friedman might agree that we should go authoritarian–sigh, ah China!–but let arrogant misanthropes of Lovelock’s ilk control our destinies and fortunes?  Not on a bet.  Indeed, they should not be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.

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