Human Exceptionalism

I Get Suckered

So, I am about to leave for the dentist and I receive this e-mail: (Names omitted)


I represent a company called [NAME OMITTED] — a company that does what’s known as advanced search engine placement. We reach a network of over 22 million people who are predominantly US based. Our network is entirely opt-in, and the users on our Network allow us to present them with a preferred choice whenever they are looking for anything on the top sixteen search engines (MSN, GOOGLE, YAHOO, etc.) I seek one reputable source to send my clients on our Network to for organs for sale. I would like to speak with you on this.

“Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I will be in the office today and tomorrow from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Central time.”

Well, having been writing on the problem with organ selling, I get huffy and write back that I find organ selling to be unethical, so I doubt that my correspondent would want to talk to me.

I just received the following: “That was sent to you in error, we meant organs as in musical organs.”

Got me. Got me good. Funny.

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