Human Exceptionalism

Juv. Diabetes Research Foundation Supports Cloning but Won’t Fund Human Trials With Adult Stem Cells

I find the JDRF very puzzling. They put more than $1 million into Proposition 71, yet when Harvard Researchers cured late stage juvenile diabetes in mice with adult spleen stem cells, you could hear the crickets chirping at the JDRF. Even though the FDA has approved the Harvard team’s project for human trials, the JDRF has three times refused to fund this effort. So, Lee Iacocca is out beating the bushes looking for money.

Now, they are endorsing the Missouri proposed initiative to create a constitutional right to conduct human cloning research.

Hmmm. Supporting techniques that might or might not result in treatments many years from now while refusing to support a technique that has demonstrated true promise and could be available much sooner. If my kid had juvenile diabetes, I would be very ticked off!

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