Human Exceptionalism


Slate has published a wonderful series of photos of babies only seconds in the world. 

According to some very prominent bioethicists–past and present–certain, or even any, of these littlest people are killable–either because they are denigrated as human “non-persons” or because they have terminal or seriously disabling conditions. These advocates for infanticide include:

Peter Singer.

Joseph Fletcher.

Udo Schuklenk.

– Jonathan Glover. 

Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva

Jacob M. Appel.

Karl Binding and Alfred Hoche.

It’s already happening (again). Netherlander doctors openly kill disabled newborns under the Groningen Protocol, a bureaucratic killing checklist published with all due respect in medical journals (including the New England Journal of Medicine).

It is also worth recalling that a representative for Planned Parenthood of Florida once okayed infanticide after a botched abortion in legislative testimony.

So. I applaud the photographs. But, we also have to remember that the right to life of these newbies is under a material threat.  L’Chaim!

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