Human Exceptionalism

Medicine After the Holocaust Released–My Anti Assisted Suicide Lecture at Holocaust Museum Viewable Online

A book based on presentations made two years or so ago at the Holocaust Museum of Houston has been released, by the name of Medicine After the Holocaust. I have a chapter on assisted suicide, which is a written version of my presentation at a public debate–link below–against Compassion and Choices’s lawyer, Kathryn Tucker. (Her essay is also included.)  The book has chapters by such luminaries as Leon Kass on “A More Perfect Human: The Promise and Perils of Modern Science.”  The bioethicist Art Caplan writes on Nazi ethics and bioethics, and geneticist James Watson opines on “Genetics and Eugenics: A Personal Odyssey.”  It’s pricey, but weighty.  Check it out.

Also, if anyone is interested in my lecture given at the Holocaust Museum, you can see it here.

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