Human Exceptionalism

Michigan Poll: People Oppose All Human Cloning–But Just You Wait

This poll, published by the Michigan Catholic Conference, asked 500 likely voters in Michigan, their views on human cloning. The results were an overwhelming repudiation of cloning human life.

Not so fast, some might say. It is, after all, a Catholic-sponsored poll. But I believe the results are a consequence of accurate language in the poll questions–notoriously lacking in many polls sponsored by mainstream media outlets. In any event, here are a few results, and then a final comment:

The poll, which was taken April 15-16, 2007, revealed the following:

  1. “Would you vote yes or no on a proposal that would eliminate Michigan’s ban on the cloning of human embryos?” -Yes: 32 percent -No: 65 percent
  2. “Do you support or oppose stem cell research that clones human embryos so the stem cells can be removed?” -Support: 34 percent -Oppose: 59 percent
  3. “Do you support or oppose stem cell research that kills the human embryo so the stem cells can be removed?” – – Support: 25 percent – Oppose: 70 percent
  4. “While I think we need to find cures for horrible diseases, I worry about the future if the cloning of human embryos is allowed” – Agree: 73 percent – Disagree: 22 percent

Michigan currently outlaws all human cloning, and as SHSers know, Big Biotech is mounting a major political campaign to reverse such state laws, having recently succeeded in Iowa. Legislation is currently pending in the MI legislature to this effect, but my sources tell me that it has little, if any chance, of passage.

The likely future scenario is a statewide initiative akin to Proposition 71 and Amendment 2. In this regard, opponents of human cloning should not take comfort in the poll. Remember, Big Biotech will pour tens of millions into a disinformation campaign to convince people that cloning isn’t cloning and a cloned human embryo isn’t really an embryo. The mainstream media will play Ginger Rodgers to BB’s Fred Astaire. Michael J. Fox and other celebrity disease victims will pour into the state and children in wheelchairs will be presented on television begging for cures.

Still, the truth shall set us free. Despite a $30 million + campaign, Amendment 2 nearly lost because the people finally began to hear facts about human somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning instead of misleading spin. Still, MI opponents of human cloning should not be sanguine. I believe that a well-funded (easier said than done) pre-emptive and very public–and scientifically accurate–educational campaign should begin as soon as practicable before Big Biotech’s Circus comes to town spreading misinformation and the hyped promise of CURES! CURES! CURES!

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