Human Exceptionalism

More Truth About the Ultimate Euthanasia Agenda

Dr. Philip Nitschke, is sometimes called the Australian Jack Kevorkian. He is obsessed with assisted suicide/euthanasia, and has long advocated that a suicide pill be available to anyone who wants it, including “troubled teens.” For years, financed in large part by the Hemlock Society, Nitschke conducted research into creating a “peaceful pill,” a suicide concoction made out of common household products. (Hemlock changed its name and merged recently with another pro assisted suicide group. The joined entities are now known by the gooey euphemistic name, “Compassion and Choices.”)

Nitschke teaches suicidal people how to make their own “peaceful pill.” He is now showing a film about his “Peanut Project,” in which “well elderly and seriously ill” people make their own peaceful pill.

Nitschke believes that autonomy demands that anyone who wants to die, be allowed access to assisted suicide. He believes it is not up to society to judge who qualifies and who doesn’t for hastened death. I know this sounds radical, but it is the logical destination if one accepts euthanasia consciousness.

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