Human Exceptionalism

Nat Hentoff Praises The War on Humans

The radicals who have infected mainstream environmental discourse with their anti-humanism need to be pushed back to the fringes where they belong–for the good of the environmental movement as well as for the benefit of humankind.  

My new ebook, The War on Humans,seeks to help in that necessary healing. The great civil libertarian, Nat Hentoff, has now weighed in with a wonderful endorsement:

If there were an international award for continuing to focus on and document cultural and political threats to basic human life and potential–I emphasize human—the winner would be Wesley J. Smith… [In The War on Humans] Smith has now written a riveting expose of this multi-dimensional assault on human beings that for life saving reasons—I kid you not—must be read by human beings beyond their political, religious, and all other affiliations.”

Thanks, Nat!

For anyone interested, the book is available in both Kindle and Nook formats.

There is also a companion documentary available free on YouTube.

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