Human Exceptionalism

New Jersey to Pay $270 Million for Stem Cell Research?

NJ, the state that has a law permitting human cloned fetal farming to the very point of birth, look like it will devote hundreds of millions to stem cell research–not all embryonic. Given that California will be pouring in $3 billion into ESCR and human cloning research, other states are ponying up, and the Feds put in tens of millions each year to human ESCR, I am growing very weary of “the scientists” grousing that they are being prevented from their work by Bush.

Most of this is driven by money, not compassion. The brilliant CURES! CURES! CURES! propaganda blitz by Big Biotech–funded to the tune of tens of millions annually and with the MSM carrying the industry’s water for free–has convinced lawmakers that unless they throw bounteous free money at this research, their states economies will suffer.

Meanwhile, people don’t have health insurance, emergency rooms close, and many current needs go wanting–not to mention that African children still die of measles and malaria.

But corporate welfare is going strong. And when the bust comes–if it comes–at least the private investors that are shunning ESCR and cloning in droves won’t be hurt. The taxpayers will be left holding the bag.

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