Human Exceptionalism

NYC High Schools Push Morning After Pills

Your daughters are not yours, anymore, they are Mayor Bloomberg’s.. He and school health clinic personnel are now in charge of inculcating values and sexual mores to your daughters, and providing their birth control and abortifacients when they have sex.

How else are we to describe New York City’s ongoing program that distributes morning after pills to girls as young as 14 without parental knowledge or consent. From the USA Today story:

It’s a campaign believed to be unprecedented in its size and aggressiveness: New York City is dispensing the morning-after pill to girls as young as 14 at more than 50 public high schools, sometimes even before they have had sexThe effort to combat teen pregnancy in the nation’s largest city contrasts sharply with the views of politicians and school systems in more conservative parts of the country…New York’s program was phased in at health clinics at about 40 schools in the 1-million-student school system starting about four years ago. Since January 2011, it has expanded to 13 additional schools that don’t have clinics. The little-known program was reported on Sunday by the New York Post.

I really think these people want teenagers to have sex. That debatable point aside, there is no question that parents are losing their rights to parent their own children. When I was young, we were taught that such a thing only happened in totalitarian countries. 

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