Human Exceptionalism

Obamacare Repeal: Vote to Repeal Fails in Senate, 51-47

The U.S. Senate, in a pure party line vote, turned down an amendment that would have repealed the Affordable Care Act by 51-47.  No Democrats voted to repeal, and every Republican voted to repeal.

Some are saying that more legislative votes have been cast to repeal Obamacare than enact it.  Big deal.  That and $2 will buy you a cup of Starbuck’s coffee.

Now, for defunding and incremental repeals.

Or to put it in 60s vernacular:

Hey, hey: Ho, ho:

Obamacare has got to go.

Update: The Senate has repealed the ridiculous 1099 reporting requirement in Obamacare by a huge margin.  From the story:

The Senate voted Wednesday for the first time to repeal a piece of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, rolling back a new tax reporting requirement that’s been universally panned by business owners. The amendment to repeal the 1099 reporting requirement passed 81-17 with broad bipartisan support.

The provision requires businesses to report any payment made for a good or service of $600 or more to the government.  Talk about choking on paperwork! What is wrong with the 17?

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