Human Exceptionalism

Odd Thomas the Movie Coming Next Year to a Theater Near You

Pardon a brief pause from our usual programming for a special announcement.

SHSers often contact me on email or come up to me at speeches to express their great admiration for my pal, the novelist Dean Koontz.  As a certified FOD, I am often asked what he is writing, when is the next Odd Thomas or Frankenstein book coming out, and will there be any movies made of his newer works?  The good news is that Odd Thomas is currently being filmed in New Mexico, to be released next year.  Dean is very excited about the project.

Odd Thomas will be played by Anton Yelchin. Stormy, the love of Odd’s life, is played by Addison Timlin.

The last book in the Frankenstein series, Frankenstein: The Dead Town will soon be at a bookstore near you.  The next episode of Odd’s ongoing adventure is also in the works.  So there is more than enough Koontz in the pipeline to keep his most ardent fans happy and satisfied.

We now return to the hair raising world of non fictional bioethics and the many attacks on human exceptionalism.

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