Human Exceptionalism

PETA Offers to “Neuter” Human Pet Spaying Contest Winner

PETA is anti human, and believes our moral worth is no greater than that of animals–or as Ingrid Newkirk once put it, “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”  Showing its misanthropic tendencies, PETA is now running a contest to see who will be offered a free vasectomy after they neuter their pet. From the contest offer:

It’s a two-fer: Get your animal companion fixed, and get yourself fixed too! Human overpopulation is crowding out animal life on the planet, and dog and cat overpopulation is creating a euthanasia crisis that is a crying shame. Disappearing wilderness, vanishing water resources, and pollution is the price that future generations will pay for more human births, while losing their lives is the price that millions of homeless dogs and cats pay when guardians neglect to “fix” their companion animals…

Now, one lucky man can be reproduction-free, free of charge, just like his pooch or feline friend. In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 24 to 30), PETA will give one free vasectomy to a man who has recently had his companion cat or dog neutered. Don’t worry boys—you’ll still be able to enjoy sex. But your neutered dog will be less likely to face the health and behavioral problems that unneutered dogs experience.

I believe in pet neutering.  But PETA wants there eventually to be no pets.  It moves toward that ultimate goal by euthanizing adoptable pets in its Norfolk headquarters.

And note, the human neutering offer isn’t to make the planet better for us, but for the animals.  Moreover, Ingrid Newkirk has specifically stated she believes “that the world would be better without humans in it.”  (New Yorker, April 14, 2003).  (I always find such statements amusing. If we weren’t in the world, there would be no creature around to appreciate the awe and wonder.)

In any event, for PETA, the vasectomy contest provides two birds with two snips. PETA= misanthropy.

HT: SHS commenter suek.

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