Human Exceptionalism

Photos of Australia–2010

As old hand SHSers know, I love to take photographs.  And when I go to terrific places–and Australia is really terrific–I take a time out from our usual fare to post a few of my shots.  Here goes.

The Apple Store in downtown Sydney at about 8 PM.  We walked past the store several times over many days and the place was always packed:

The “Three Sisters” in the Blue Mountains to the east of Sydney:

In the temperate rain forest of the Blue Mountains:

These birds’ camouflage plumage made them almost impossible to see–even close up:

Melbourne at dusk:

Hobart Harbor (Tasmania): Starfish in three feet of water with overhead clouds reflecting from the sea’s surface:

Icebreaker in Hobart Harbor:

The Bob Barker, the ship of the anti human Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, was in port. No, I was not invited for tea:

Perth skyline from across the river:

Outside Perth, sunset over the Indian Ocean:

I was attacked by this cockatoo right after I snapped this photo. Apparently he didn’t like A Rat is a Pig is a Dog is a Boy:

Sydney’s famous opera house with the famous (and magnificent) Harbuor Bridge in the background flying Australian flag:

Beautiful Sydney Harbor:

Nature hike in Manly, across the harbor from Sydney:

For those interested, I’ll post many more of my photos on my Facebook page in the coming days. Now, back to being oppressively serious.

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