Human Exceptionalism

Refuse Sex Selection Abortion, Lose MD License?

Victoria, Australia has an oppressive abortion law that requires all doctors to either perform one when asked, or if opposed, find a doctor who will. In other words, the cost of being a licensed doctor is being complicit in the taking of human life.

Now, a doctor who refused to refer for a sex selection abortion may face stiff sanctions in Melbourne. From the Herald Sun story:

A Melbourne doctor who refused to refer a couple for an abortion because they wanted only a boy has admitted he could face tough sanctions. Dr Mark Hobart fears he could be punished for refusing to give the Melbourne couple a referral after discovering they were seeking an abortion because they didn’t want to have a girl. Obstetricians have proposed parents be banned from knowing the sex of unborn babies until it is too late to terminate, to prevent gender-based abortions.

By refusing to provide a referral for a patient on moral grounds or refer the matter to another doctor, Dr Hobart admits he has broken the law and could face suspension, conditions on his ability to practice or even be deregistered But he was willing to risk punishment in pursuit of principles. He said he did not believe any doctor in Victoria would have helped a couple have an abortion just because they wanted a boy.

Abortion, apparently, is the only “right” that is without limits. It trumps all.

Here’s the bottom line: The culture of death permits no dissent–even from something as odious as killing a gestating baby because of her sex. And it won’t stop with abortion. The Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has a similar ethics opinion surrounding euthanasia. Meanwhile, many medical organizations in the USA oppose medical conscience rights–except for futile care theory and the purported right of doctors to pull plugs even when the patient want’s the plug in the outlet! 

And whatever you do, do not speak ill of abortion in Victoria!

Another doctor who was brought before the Medical Board in January for airing his views against abortion was cautioned and warned he could be deregistered if it happened again.

Can we spell a.u.t.h.o.r.i.t.a.r.i.a.n?

Astonishing and a warning to us all of the consequences that flow from rejecting human exceptionalism in the medical context.

HT: Lydia McGrew

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