Human Exceptionalism

Two Blogs to Check Out About Biotechnology

I put much time and effort into reporting stories here at SHS about stem cell research, human cloning, and other matters of biotechnology. But because SHS covers broad areas of concern and interest–and to keep our ponderings varied and lively–of necessity I may miss important stories in this area that you might want to know about.

But David Prentice doesn’t miss them. He has a highly informative blog exclusively devoted to stem cell research. David’s blog is a clearing house of stories in this field, and is of great value–particularly to those interested in the astounding number of adult stem cell research successes that keep coming down the pike. Regardless of your ethical perspective on these matters, if you care about stem cell research you will want to check out David’s daily posts. Here is the link.

Jennifer Lahl, head of the Center for Bioethics and Culture, also has a good blog on these matters called The Human Future. Jennifer’s interests are somewhat broader, also including transhumanism, IVF, protecting women from the dangers of egg extraction, and etc. Her blog is here.

Both of these writers and thinkers provide good information and may include matters of interest to you that I am unable to cover here. Their opinions are their own of course, and if you disagree, take it out on them.

Check David and Jennifer out, but y’all come back now. Hear?

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