Kudlow’s Money Politics

As a Catholic I Oppose Obama’s Actions

How can you destroy a life in order to save one? That’s a key question Pres. Obama is not answering as he aborts Pres. Bush’s ban on federal funding for embryonic-stem-cell research. We already have existing stem-cell lines, plus blood cells and skin cells. So why must we seek new stem-cell lines from human embryos?

According to reports, the Obama executive order does not fund the creation of new lines, nor does it specify which existing lines can be used. But it does allow scientists to get taxpayer money for the research. Does anyone doubt this will lead to new embryonic lines?

And why is taxpayer money necessary for this? That means those of us who oppose embryonic-stem-cell research — for ethical, moral, or religious reasons — must finance it. Why not leave all this to the private sector and private capital? That wouldn’t make me any happier from a moral standpoint. But at least I wouldn’t be paying for this research with my tax dollars.

In a recent speech in Toronto, Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput — the author of Render Unto Caesar — argued that Catholics must engage in all manner of political issues in the public square. “Politics is the exercise of power, and the use of power always has moral content and human consequences.” This is a perfect example. And as a traditional Catholic I oppose Pres. Obama’s actions.

Rep. Eric Cantor says the focus of policy should be on the economy, not on a long-simmering debate over stem cells. He’s right.

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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