Kudlow’s Money Politics

Friday Night’s Special Lineup

(Please note that CNBC’s Kudlow & Company has moved to its new 7pm ET time slot.)

Well, we’ve got a dynamite show lined up tonight.

***Indefatigable Renaissance man Ben Stein will join me at the top of the show. He’ll offer his take on the stock market, economy, and the benefits of taking a long-term approach to investing. Ben will stick around for the whole show.

***Also on tap: my exclusive interview with Vice President Dick Cheney. We covered a lot of ground during the interview earlier today. Topics include Iran, oil, the economy, Rangel’s tax reform plan, and GOP prospects in the upcoming election.

***Last, but certainly not least, we’ll have the Dynamic Duo with us this evening. The Wall Street Journal’s Steve Moore will battle it out with former Clinton Labor man/public policy professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Robert Reich.

It’s going to be another great show tonight. Please be sure to join us at 7pm ET on CNBC.

And yes, we still believe that free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity…

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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