Kudlow’s Money Politics

Good News from Iraq

Another great article by Ralph Peters.

“IRAQ’s government just released the first insider documents captured from terrorists in the raids surrounding Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s death. The contents will horrify America haters in our media but won’t surprise Post readers:

We’re winning.

Yeah, the good guys. Our troops. And the Iraqi army. We’re winning. We were winning big even before we nailed Zarqawi. The terrorists themselves said so. In their state-of-the-troubled-union message to themselves.

…For patriotic Americans and freedom lovers everywhere, for the enemies of terror and the friends of tolerance, for the people of Iraq and of the United States, the captured terrorist documents contained nothing but great news – confirmation that we’re winning, that terror is being defeated and that Iraq is on the road to recovery.

As for me, as I wrote this column yesterday afternoon, I pledged to myself that I was going to pick up The New York Times this morning. The Times has been reporting terrorist propaganda as Gospel truth for three years. Now I can’t wait to see how the shady Gray Lady spins the truth the terrorists told each other.

Betcha we’ll start hearing that the captured documents are all forgeries – so a badly burned “mainstream” media can get back to reporting “the truth” about Haditha, Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. In the meantime, our troops will continue to win this war.”

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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